Environmental Checks
Acoustic impact, waste water, atmospheric emissions and much more
Through a team of professionals we carry out all the environmental checks required by law and by the control bodies also to obtain the necessary environmental authorizations: phonometry, vibrations, emissions into the atmosphere, etc.
S.C.I.A. (Certified Start of Activity Report )
The Certified Start of Activity Reportis required to start all craft and / or industrial activities, and relate to the atmospheric emissionsof dust, noise and so on.
Below is the detail of the proposedtechnical assessments:
- environmental noise impactassessments (equivalent level, frequency analysis, acoustic impact);
- waste wateranalysis;
- remediationand proposals for mitigation;
- paperwork to obtain the authorization of emissions into the atmosphere;
- phonometric evaluationsfor places of musical entertainment.
A.U.A. (Single Environmental Authorization)
The Single Environmental Authorizationis the provision (Dpr 13 March 2013, no. 59) which incorporates in a single title various environmental authorizations provided for by sector legislation(such as Legislative Decree 152/2006). The DPR (Presidential Decree) identifies a core of seven authorizations that can be absorbed by the AUA, to which are added any other permits identified by regulatory sources of Regions and Autonomous Provinces.
Through our technicians we assist companies in the implementation of all the paperwork required by Presidential Decree 59/2013.
Other technical assessments
- Phonometricassessments for the exposure of workers to noise
- Phonometricevaluations for musical entertainment venues
- Environmentalphonometric assessments (equivalent level, frequency analysis, acoustic impact, remediation and proposals for mitigation)
- Experimentalassessments for the exposure of workers to vibrations
- Evaluation of airborne dust in the workplace
- Practices for authorization of atmospheric emissions
- Legionellarisk assessmentwith sampling and analysis of samples