DVR – Drafting of the risk assessment document
Company inspection and documentation
The DVR(Risk Assessment Document) is required by law (Article 17 D. Lgs. 81 of 9th April 2008 and subsequent amendments), and has the aim of identifying and assessing in advance all the potential risks present in the Company that can cause damage to health or threaten the workers’ safety.
After a careful inspection of the company, Studio Bianchini, in collaboration with the employer, the RLS and the competent doctor, will elaborate the DVR according to an exhaustive scheme, which will include:
- risk assessment of manual handling of loads using the NIOSHsystem;
- evaluation of repeatedmovementsusing the OCRAindex;
- posturalassessment for work at VDT or in production
- chemical risk assessment using Movarisk software;
- environmentalassessments, of machinery and equipment with reference to the latest regulatory changes;
- fire risk assessment pursuant to Ministerial Decree 10/3/98 and subsequent amendments
• improvementprogram drawn up on the basis of what will emerge from the inspection.
Based on the prevalent risksencountered, specificor technical-instrumentalassessments may be necessary such as:
- technical appraisal of workshop machinery (lathes, cutters, drills, shears, presses, etc.) to verify their correspondence with the CE marking and any adaptation to the Machinery Directive by installing certified safety devices (microns, emergency buttons, carter, double buttons, etc.)
- evaluation of dust, fumesor vapors emitted within the work area by production processes;
- assessment of workers‘ exposure to noiseand / or vibrations;
- evaluation of explosive atmospheres (ATEX).
The Risk Assessment Document will also be accompanied by a whole series of attachments such as appointments, DPI delivery reports (personal protective equipment), information material, designation of emergency officers, declarations of technical-professional suitability.